Archive | October 2013


Laying on my back in my comfortable bed, eyes wide open. The rain is beating against my windows and the thunder creates a bright white flash that blinds me. Slowly and suddenly I drift to sleep.The rain sounds are now soothing and relaxing.
I can imagine the storm behind closed eyes. The first few drops start to slowly make their way down then, it’s a whole downpour. The thunder that strikes violently slowly comes to a stop and then it’s just rain. Cold, slippery, wet rain.

The Pit

The Pit
Candy and snacks galore
Friendly smiles and giant hugs
Skies that go from light to dark
The Pit

The Pit
Watch as the football soars through the air
Watch as the cheerleaders land there standing back tucks
Watch as people get crazier as it gets later
The Pit

…The Pit
It doesn’t get much better than that… 🙂