My favorite mistake

“Get your PE credits over with!” is what they all say. As if it were easy! As if you could just breeze through 7th grade PE. Well some people might be able to but me? No way! And as I open my rusty gym locker after the third try, I can tell that PE is not going to make this semester go by easily.

Slowly as a sloth I yank out my hideous PE uniform and hesitantly head to the stalls to change. Once I step out to admire how awful I look in my uniform, I nearly gag. The pants are too baggy and the shirt is just… ugghh! As slowly as I possibly can, I walk out to do the stupid stretches. They don’t even help stretch out anything and are completely irrelevant to a majority of our activities. When the words, “Lets head to the track!” escape my gym teachers mouth, I just knew taking PE was one of my biggest mistakes.

Calmly walking to the doors that will soon lead to my death, I get swallowed into the crowd of shockingly excited kids and the smell of B.O is very apparent. I wrinkle my nose and after I loose the crowd I return to my calming pace. As if things couldn’t get any worse…they do.

1 mile?! I repeat the coaches words in my head. My eyes get slighlty wider. The first day we actually get into physical ed and we have to run a mile! I guess it makes things sort of better when the coach says we’re allowed to jog the straights and walk the curves but still. Four laps around the track makes the track seem bigger than it is. I pace myself running steadily. The sights of old shriveled up band aids and retainers don’t help. Neither do the small pieces of black turf getting stuck in my shoe. But there’s nothing I can do but push forward and smile when I finally reach the end.

As the weeks go by (slowly of course) I still like PE less and less everyday. But I’ve made three eighth grade friends! One of them even shares my pain about PE and dislikes it as much as I do! And to this day, this very moment in fact, I still see taking PE as a mistake, but I know it will be all worth it next year when I’ve taken care of PE creditstt and can finally do electives I’ll enjoy.

2 thoughts on “My favorite mistake

  1. This is really good! I love all the imagery and details about how horrible PE is, it’s making me remember it from last year! (Although your PE class sounds a lot worse than mine was.) I can feel your pain and disgust about having to take the class and as I was reading I was imagining if that was me and how much I would hate it too. I love how I think at the end you are going to say “PE is a lot better now” but you don’t! You tell the truth and it makes the story so much better.

  2. I really like how you decide to just elaborate on how disgusting and annoying PE is. You don’t even try to make it better, and that makes this a lot better. How you don’t even try to soften the blow and just come straight out how much you hate it. As for that hate part, I can completely relate. Great job!

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